Functional testing
Functional testing gives a fully comprehensive picture with in-depth results, helping to address the root cause(s) of your health condition. At Nourish health clinic we offer a wide range of tests including-
Blood tests
Hormone balance report
Mould / environmental toxins / heavy metal testing
Organic acids test (OAT)
Microbiome testing including gut, oral, vaginal and urinary
DNA reports (as listed below)
Food intolerance testing ( as listed below)
DNA reports
Nutrigenomics is the study of how genes and nutrients interact to affect a person’s health and risk of disease. You cannot change the genes you are born with but you can change how they express in response to certain foods and this can make a huge difference to your health. There is a saying - ‘‘ Genetics load the gun, but diet and lifestyle pull the trigger’’.
I work with Lifecode Gx, a British laboratory and leader in nutrigenomics. A simple cheek swab is collected and sent to the lab for testing. In return, you will receive your DNA report, which includes comprehensive notes, interpretations, and links to research evidence. The reports highlight common variations in your genetic code known as SNPs, or single nucleotide polymorphisms (pronounced "snips"). These variations can lead to small but significant differences in how a gene functions.
We only test genes that can be influenced positively via diet, supplementation, and lifestyle practices.
SNPs can influence the production of certain chemicals in the body and how effectively our cells respond to them. Understanding this information, we can optimise specific nutrients to modify a genetic expression. This approach enables me to create a tailored health plan taking into account your unique genetic blueprint rather than relying on more generalised recommendations. -Nutrigenomics IS the future of personalised healthcare!
And as your genetic code remains constant, you will always have this valuable information for reference.
When analysing genetic reports we do not focus on potential diseases, it’s more about supporting and optimising our bodies for health and well-being. DNA testing can also benefit those experiencing unexplained symptoms and chronic conditions.
DNA reports available include:
Hormone pathways-
Looks at your balance of steroid hormones oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol. Imbalances can cause infertility, low libido, mood changes, acne, weight gain, anger, anxiety, poor memory, and increased risk of hormone-driven cancers.
Nervous system report-
looking at neurotransmitter balance within the brain. Symptoms of imbalance can include: mood changes, depression, mania, addictions, ADHD, OCD, anger, anxiety and panic disorders, and aggression.
This report analyses gene variants that impact our levels of serotonin (contentment) melatonin (sleep) dopamine (motivation) adrenaline (fight or flight) glutamate(excitatory, in excess can cause anxiety) GABA (relaxation, reduces anxiety), and endocannabinoid levels which regulate other neurotransmitters. The report provides detailed recommendations for nutritional support to alleviate symptoms and optimise mental health.
Histamine intolerance report-
Analyses the genes and nutrients needed to break down and remove histamine, showing where disruptions occur and how to support optimal function. Histamine intolerance is the body’s reaction to an imbalance between accumulated histamine and the body’s capacity to break it down.
methylation report-
Methylation is a constant, crucial process within our cells that turns nutrients from our food into chemical energy. It regulates important biochemical actions such as gene expression and DNA repair, neurotransmitter balance, efficient detoxification of toxins, and much more.
Poor methylation can cause various health conditions including- mental health issues, histamine intolerance and other allergies, cardiovascular issues, increased cancer risk, and hormone imbalances.
This report shows how genetic SNPs may be creating blockages in the methylation cycle, and how we can support these to create optimal methylation capacity.
Metabolics report-
Examines energy regulation, longevity, and healthspan. It highlights valuable information for weight loss, focusing on the genes and pathways that control appetite regulation, as well as sugar and fat metabolism, cholesterol, and inflammation. It focuses on key processes contributing to healthy cell structures and function.
Nutrient core report-
Analyses how gene variants can affect food tolerance (and intolerance), appetite control and blood sugar balance, vitamin and mineral needs, detoxification ability, and susceptibility to inflammation and infection.
Detoxification report-
Detoxification is the physiological removal of toxic substances from the human body. It is mainly carried out by the liver and to a lesser extent the small, intestine, kidneys, and lungs. Substances such as nutrients, food additives, medications, pesticides, air pollutants, hormones, and alcohol are transformed from fat-soluble to water-soluble, allowing them to be more easily excreted from the body.
Poor detoxification can cause symptoms such as - headaches, allergies, fatigue, muscle aches, weight gain, bloating, excessive sweating, heartburn and indigestion, chronic infections, infertility, low libido, poor mental function, and low stress tolerance. The detoxification report looks at genes that impact the phases and reactions that take place in the transport of medicines and other substances in and out of cells, and the genes that help to neutralise reactive oxygen species that cause inflammation and damage within the body. The report identifies personalised nutritional support required to optimise detoxification.
APOE report-
The Apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene is best known for its role in lipid (fat) metabolism by helping to remove cholesterol from the bloodstream. It can exist in three main forms known as: E2, E3, and E4.
The E4 form of the APOE gene has been associated with increased plasma cholesterol and triglycerides and susceptibility to cardiovascular disease- heart attacks or strokes due to atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, and Alzheimer’s disease. However, having an E4 genotype is one of many risk factors and does not mean you will develop any of these conditions. This report enables individuals to take preventative action by adopting personalised nutrition and lifestyle changes to optimise their future, long-term health.
Thyroid balance report-
The thyroid is an endocrine gland located in the neck that produces two thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Thyroid hormones control the metabolism of almost every cell in the body. Thyroid activity is altered by genetics and environmental factors such as nutrients, toxins, and stress and these factors can impact the transport and activation of thyroid hormones.
Deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones can result in many different symptoms. Hypothyroidism (underactive) can cause weight gain, brain fog, cold intolerance, dry skin, constipation, depression, and fatigue. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism (overactivity) include anxiety, heat intolerance, heart palpitations, insomnia, and weight loss. The thyroid balance report analyses the genes involved in the thyroid hormone lifecycle synthesis, transportation and metabolism, and processing of co-factors (vitamins A and D ). It also examines genes that are susceptible to inflammation and autoimmunity.
Athlete report-
DNA sequencing has opened the door to personalised approaches to health and fitness, enabling a more intelligent approach to training, recovery, and performance. This report presents elements of your unique DNA profile that have been shown to affect athletic performance and helps to build a programme that will be most effective for you to support cardiovascular adaption, strategic fuelling, and structural strength, as well as controlling inflammation to prevent injury and balance stress and stimulation when it matters most to achieve your personal best.
Stool testing -gut microbiome health
Good gut health is a key pillar in supporting overall health. Symptoms of IBS such as bloating, pain, chronic constipation, and loose stools not only affect quality of life but can also contribute to further imbalances within the body.
Stool testing looks at a broad range of important functional markers to assess:
-the levels of beneficial bacteria present
-Any dysbiotic bacteria
-the health of the gut barrier
-levels of enzymes important for the digestion of foods
-An overgrowth of yeast/H. pylori infection/parasitic infection
An easy-to-do-at-home test with a full explanation of results given plus a nutrition plan and information on how to address results through diet.
DUTCH test- Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones
Measures hormones and their metabolites in a dried urine sample providing an in-depth evaluation of hormone levels as well as adrenal hormones cortisol and cortisone, and levels of melatonin associated with sleep.
Consequently, this test may be useful if stress is suspected of driving hormone imbalance and impacting the sleep-wake cycle.
Food Sensitivity Testing- FIT test
At Nourish Nutrition we offer the latest and most accurate diagnostic testing for food sensitivities.
The FIT (Food Inflammation Test) from KBMO Diagnostics is a multi-pathway delayed food sensitivity blood spot test measuring 2 markers- IgG1-4 and C3d immune complexes that show when foods have caused the immune system to have a true reaction, unlike a lot of intolerance tests that can show many false positives.
This test also comes with a gut barrier panel which enables us to see exactly what is happening within the gut, an important part of the puzzle when dealing with food reactions.
It contains 3 markers- candida, zonulin, and occludin. These are markers that determine intestinal permeability also known as ‘leaky gut’.
The intestinal lining can become damaged due to allergic reactions, which can then drive further food sensitivities and cause other inflammatory issues within the body including fatigue, headaches and migraines, autoimmune conditions, joint pain, and mood disorders.